آهنگ جدید و فوق العاده زیبا از آمین و یاس به نام آمین
متن ترانه
ترانه هامو گوش بده وقتي كه بارون مي زنه
وقتي كه اشك آدما معني فرياد منه
ترانه هامو گوش بده وقتي دلت پر از غمه
وقتي تو سفرت شب و روز يه چيزي مثل نون كمه
با من بخون از مادري كه توي درد هاش سوخته بود
از اون جووني كه واسه نون شبش كليش رو فروخته بود
از پدري بخون كه صد هيچ باخته بود به سرنوشت
از بچه اي كه گشنه بود ولي مشق بابا نون داد مي نوشت
ورس ١:
اين زندگي نفس كش مي خواد
هر مشكلي طرفت مياد
تو رو مي كشونه به سمت خودش
پاره نمي شي فقط كش مياي
سر شدي يه جسم بيخودي
الكي حرص نمي خوري
مثل شلاقي كه تا ده تا بخوري
بقيش رو حس نمي كني
هر كي پرسيد سلام چطوري ؟
جواب يك كلام دكوري
شكر يعني داغوني
ممكنه از زندگي هر آن ببري
داري فرار مي كني
از اونا كه تو رو زير ميزي دور زدن
با يه لبخند تلخ گفتي
اينم از اين اين نيز بگذرد
پدرت قطعا مرده
واسه زخمات مرهم درده
واسه اينكه جلوت سر بلند بشه
جلو أرباب سر خم كرده
مادرت كه ماوراي با مرام
كه تنها رفيق ماجراست
تو استرس آيندته
تا يه روزي دور از جون از پا درآد
مشكل تو پوله كه چشمات
به جاي اشك با خون ترن
هرچند پولدار هايي رو مي شناسم
كه از من و تو داغون ترن
همه درگيريم
از حقيقت ها در مي ريم
همه از قصه هامون فقط جوك ساختيم
مست كرديم و خنديديم
خوب زندگي هم خوبه هم خشن
درد هر كي قدر جنبشه
فقط اميدوارم كه تك به تك
اينا رو هم جمع نشه
چون كه وقتي موقعي رسيد
كه سرسخت و عقده اي بشي
خشم توي شريانته
اون زمان وقت فريادته
همخوان آمين
اينقدر فرياد مي زنم تا گوش دنيا كر بشه
اينقدر مي گم كه شايد چشم خدا هم تر بشه
اينقدر مي گم كه صدام برسه به كل زمين
دعا كنيم بارون بياد دعا كنيم آمّين
ورس ٢:
صابخونه يه برگه از كيف
در اورد گفت ما رو خسته كردين
بزنين به چاك
نذارين برگردم من با حكم جلب قطعي
گفتيم حاجي مكه رفتي
مرگ هر كي كه دوست داري
شب عيدي نذار حيرون و در به در شيم
گفت دست من نيست
مادر زار مي زد
أساس خونه رو بار مي زد
صابخونه اي كه با حكم تخليه
هي خودش رو باد مي زد
پدر خسته بود از اين شانس
سرشكسته و پريشان
هر از گاهي بهم چشمك مي زد
كه بهم بگه نترس من اينجام
نه درس و مشقي
نه ضرب و تقسيم
نه جمع و تفرق
نه زنگ تفريح
بن بست يه مغز تعطيل
تو فكر ترك تحصيل
آدم همين وقت هاست كه مي تونه همه رو بشناسه
بشمار سه رفت اون كه همش مي گفتي
جاش روي تخم چشماته
رفاقت ها بوي خيانت مي دن
نه نگو توي قيافت ديدم
يكي راست حسيني بهم بگه
كه معني رفيق رو كيا فهميدن
اي كاش كه بتونم دليل
نامردي ها رو بدونم همين
تا دو نفر رو با هم آشنا كرديم
تيم شدن كه بد منو بكوبن زمين
قلبت رو عشقت رو حست رو وقتت رو هزينه كن
كه آخرم بره با يكي ديگه تنهايي بشه نصيبمون ؟
زندگيت يه جزيره بود
قدم زدم در مسير تو
كه با لبخند بهم بگي همه اينا وظيفه بود؟؟؟
همخوان آمين
اينقدر فرياد مي زنم تا گوش دنيا كر بشه
اينقدر مي گم كه شايد چشم خدا هم تر بشه
اينقدر مي گم كه صدام برسه به كل زمين
دعا كنيم بارون بياد دعا كنيم آمّين
Listen to my songs as the rain drops
The reason for my shout is the peoples' tears
Listen to my songs when your heart aches
When at day and night,
Even a piece of bread is missing on your table
Sing with me of a mother who was burning in her pain
Of a youth who sold his kidney for tonight's meal
Sing of a father who lost his hand in destiny 100-0
Of a hungry child, yet for homework writes: "Dad brings bread" ...
This life needs someone brave
Each problem that comes your way
Pulls you to itself
You don't tear apart, you just stretch
You become numb, a useless body
That doesn't stress for anything
Like a lashing that after ten strikes
You don't feel the rest
Anyone who greets, "Hello, How are you"?
You give an answer, just for show
"God Bless", in other words, you're a disaster (a mess)
At any moment you may cut loose from this world
Escaping from those who betrayed and conned you
With a bitter smile, you say "This too shall pass"
Your father, obviously, a real (upstanding) man
He's a cure for all your pains
In order to stand tall in front of you
He bows down to his tyrant boss
Your (honorable) mother, the only friend in this story
Shares your stress till the day that she departs
Your problem is money, that your eyes shed blood instead of tears
Although I know plenty rich people who are worse than you and I
Everyone is stuck
We all escape reality
We make jokes of our life stories
Got drunk and laughed it off
This world is good -- it's also cruel
Everyone's pain equals what they can endure
I just hope that each one doesn't pile up more
Because when there comes a point
When you harden and hold resent
And cruelty runs in your veins
It's that time when you look up and shout
Aamin (Chorus):
I will shout so much till the world becomes deaf
I will say so much that even God my tear up
I will say so much till my voice reaches worldwide
Let's pray that it rains, let's pray ... Amen
The landlord brings out a sheet,
From his bag, says: "we're tired of you,
Get out of here, get lost".
"Don't make me return with eviction papers".
We said: 'Haji' ... "You've been to Mecca!
Please! On anyone's life you hold dear
Don't do this on New Year's Eve
To go knocking from door to door"!
But he said, "It's not up to me."
Mother was sobbing
As she packed up the house
And the landlord was standing
Fanning himself with his court paper
Father was tired of his luck
Feeling dishonored and defeated
Occasionally would look at me and wink
As to say, don't be afraid ... I'm still here
No study or homework (No!)
No fun or joy (No!)
No recess bell (No!)
Dead-End, a mind at wits end
Thinking of dropping out
It's these times that you get to know people
Count 1,2,3 ... gone.
Is the one you thought, was the apple of your eye
Friendships stink of con and fraud
Don't say no, I've seen the look on your face
Someone tell me
Who found the real meaning of a friend?
Wish I could know the reason of betrayal
As soon as I introduced one to another
They teamed up, just to knock me down
Your Heart, your time
Your love, your thoughts
Invest it all and still
In the end they go to someone else
Loneliness is our outcome, you and me
Your life was an island
I walked toward you
So with a casual smile just to hear you say
It was all done out of duty
AaMin (Chorus):
I will shout so much till the world becomes deaf
I will say so much that even God my tear up
I will say so much till my voice reaches worldwide
Let's pray that it rains, let's pray ... Amen
Published on Aug 18, 2013
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